Our Members

UEC Member Affiliations


2024-02-09: Thank you for your patience as we work to update our website! We plan to poll members soon to update member and affiliation information.


Urban Resources Initiative | New Haven


National Socio-Envionmental Systhesis Center (SESYNC) | Anapolis 

Parks & People Foundation | Baltimore

United States Forest Service – Baltimore Urban Field Station | Baltimore

Blue Water Baltimore  | Baltimore

TreeBaltimore | Baltimore

Baltimore City Recreation & Parks Forestry Division | Baltimore

Baltimore Tree Trust | Baltimore

Civic Works | Baltimore

Cary Institute of Ecosystem Studies | Baltimore


MA DCR – Urban and Community Forestry Program

Mass Audubon

Speak for the Trees | Boston

Worcester Tree Initiative | Worcester


The Greening of Detroit | Detroit


Arbor Day Foundation | St. Lincoln, NE 

New Jersey 

City of Newark – Office of Sustainability | Newark

New Jersey Tree Foundation | Newark

New York

New York City Department of Parks and Recreation | NYC

United States Forest Service – New York City Urban Field Station | Queens

New York Restoration Project | NYC

The Nature Conservancy | NYC


The Holden Arboretum | Kirtland

Western Reserve Land Conservancy | Cleveland


Pennsylvania Horticultural Society | Philadelphia  

Philadelphia Parks and Recreation | Philadelphia   

United States Forest Service – Philadelphia Field Station | Philadelphia

TreePhilly | Philadelphia

Tree Pittsburgh | Pittsburgh


Fairmont Park Conservancy | Philadelphia

Washington, D.C.

Casey Trees

Urban Forestry Division 

District Department of Energy & Environment

Rock Creek Conservancy

West Virginia

West Virginia University, College of Agriculture, Natural Resources and Design | Morgantown